LAILAC Public Humanities Series 20-21
Daniel Valtueña [email protected] In the Spring 2019 LAILAC was awarded with a Doctoral Curriculum Enhancement Grant by the PublicsLab. This grant was devoted to implement structural curricular changes in…
Daniel Valtueña [email protected] In the Spring 2019 LAILAC was awarded with a Doctoral Curriculum Enhancement Grant by the PublicsLab. This grant was devoted to implement structural curricular changes in…
César Augusto Coca Vargas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos [email protected] PDF RESUMEN Nuestro estudio tiene como instancia central el cuento ‘‘Cara de Ángel’’ del narrador peruano Oswaldo…
Lauren Peña The University of Texas at Austin [email protected] PDF Abstract In the long history of political banishment in Latin America there is a counterpart to the category of…
Allysha B. Martin Milligan College [email protected] PDF ABSTRACT The protagonist in Carmen Boullosa’s Duerme (1994) willfully defies and undermines strict legal and social sartorial regulations of Colonial Mexico by cross-dressing…
Stefan Helgesson, Director of Graduate Studies at the Department of English Literature in Stockholms Universitet Por Roberto Elvira Mathez (REM): Ph.D Candidate at the Ph.D program in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian…
Munir Hachemi Guerrero, escritor, doctorando en la Universidad de Granada, especialista en Borges, y unx de lxs fundadorxs de Ediciones Paralelos Por Roberto Elvira Mathez (REM): Ph.D Candidate at…
Huber Jaramillo The Graduate Center – The City University of New York [email protected] Weld, Kirsten. Paper Cadavers: The Archives of Dictatorship in Guatemala. Durham: Duke University Press, 2014. PDF…
María Ximena Venturini Tulane University [email protected] PDF RESUMEN En el siguiente trabajo se analiza cómo Sara Gallardo parodia en Los galgos, los galgos el discurso de la novela…
Con el propósito de organizar el vigésimo segundo congreso de estudiantes, siguiendo una importante tradición departamental, se reunieron al principio de este año escolar varios miembros del programa doctoral en…
Elena Chávez Goycochea The Graduate Center, CUNY [email protected] PDF Kumbier, Alana. Ephemeral Material: Queering the Archive. Litwin Books, 2014. ¿Por qué escribir un libro sobre las prácticas…