Becoming a Spanish Indian: Lessons in latinidad from a colonial Text

Lailac lounge -- 4116 CUNY Graduate Center, NYC

Reaching from the late seventeenth century to our present moment, this talk provincializes the Anglo Puritan settler and foundational author Cotton Mather by telling the origin story of his Spanish-language tract, La Fe del Christiano. Highlighting Mather’s indebtedness to José de Acosta and other Catholic missiologists, it explores the conditions of his language learning process and the significance of the presence of so-called “Spanish Indian” bondservants in his household. Nascent ideas about race, ethnicity, and indigeneity were...


Student Latinx Conference

Kelly Skylight Room CUNY Graduate Center

Student Latinx Conference: Inter-college Colloquim on Latin American Publishers

Charla con escritorxs de Lailac

Lailac lounge -- 4116 CUNY Graduate Center, NYC

Organized by LL Journal Fátima Vélez, Galápagos (2021) Teresita Goyeneche, La personalidad de los pelícanos (2022) Eric Borenboim, Sonda 0010 (2023) --


Concierto Coral

Recital Hall/RH Lobby CUNY Graduate Center, NYC

Bernardo Atxaga Concert


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