Author guidelines

LL Journal publishes works in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The editorial team may also consider publishing works in other languages. Documents will be accepted in Rich Text Format (*.rtf) o Microsoft Word (* .doc). We propose a limit of 7500 words for each article (body and notes, without the abstract and the bibliography) or literary text. The guidelines for the submission of papers are explained below in detail. Some of these guidelines have the goal of facilitating the work of the editorial team and were created taking into account that the document is destined for an electronic publication. The order of presentation will be:


  1. HEADING. Title Summary (abstract)


  1. BODY OF THE ARTICLE. The document should be in 12 point Times New Roman or Arial font, single spaced, with tabbed paragraphs and a space between paragraphs. Quotes and bibliographical references in the text: The quotes should be an indented paragraph with 10 point font. To indicate a source of an idea mentioned in the text:
  2. a) In the event that only one work by an author appears in the BIBLIOGRAPHY section, the reference will be signaled by putting in parentheses, the author’s last name, a space (without a comma) and the number of the corresponding page.

Ex.: (Saraiva 53)

  1. b) In the event that more than one work by an author appears in the BIBLIOGRAPHY section, the reference will be signaled by placing in parentheses the author’s last name, followed by a comma, the abbreviated title of the article, a space (without a comma) and the number of the corresponding page.

Ex.: (Saraiva, O discurso 42) c) If in the body of the text the author has been indicated clearly, then including the page number in parentheses will suffice. Ex.: (67)


  1. NOTES. The notes should appear at the end of the document and not at the foot of the page.


  1. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The list of works cited should appear after the text and the notes. The bibliographical entries should follow the following format:

Books: Last name, First Name. Title. Publisher, Year of publication.

Ex.: Assis, Machado. D. Casmurro. H Garnier, 1899

Articles in journals: Last name, First Name. “Title of the article.” Title of the journal (italics), volume of the journal, number of the journal, year of publication, page number.

Ex.: Pozuelo Yvancos, José María. “Parodiar, rev(b)elar”. Hermes Criollo, vol. 5, 2003, pp. 11-22.

Articles or chapters in books: Last Name, First Name. “Title of the article.” Title of the book (italics), edited (coordinated, selected, etc.) by Name and Last Name, publisher, year of publication, pages.

Ex.: Patterson, Annabel. “La investigación histórico-literaria.” Teorías de la historia literaria, edited by Luis Beltrán y José Antonio Escrig, Arco Libros, 2005, pp. 67-90.

Electronic publications:

  1. a) Articles in a web page: Last Name, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the web page (italics), date of publication, electronic address. Accessed date of access.

Ex.: Alarcón, Justo S. La búsqueda de la identidad en la literatura chicana: tres textos. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2004, Accessed 23 Jan. 2006.

  1. b) Articles in an electronic publication: Last name, First Name. “Title of the article.” Title of the publication (italics),volume, number, year of publication, pages (if any), electronic address. Accessed date of access.

Ex.: Shuru, Xochitl E. “Erotica, Marginalia, and the Ideology of Class Voyeurism in Rosario Tijeras by Jorge Franco.” Ciberletra, vol. 14, 2005, Accessed 23 Jan. 2006.



  1. a) In the event that one of the works has more than one author the following format should be used: Last name of the first author (comma), First name of the first author and First name and last name of the second author.
  2. b) If there are more than three authors, after the first follow with “et al”.
  3. c) If in the bibliographical list there is more than one work by the same author, his/her name and last name should appear in the first work; the rest of the works by that author should appear with dashes.
  4. d) In case the document includes images, audio or video, these should be included separately. We recommend using the following formats: Images: *.jpg; *.png Audio: *.mp3 Video: *.avi
  5. e) If the document includes links to websites, these should be active.

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